Evaluate for yourself why the United States is a power and
has been blessed by God.
In the year 1598, the Spanish expeditionary Juan de Oñate
established the first permanent settlements in the north of
what is now the state of New Mexico. Since then, Spanish has
never stopped being spoken in that part of the country, to
the point that the natives of those lands who preserve the
language use a unique dialect from the colonial Spanish of
the 17th century. Spanish is the first historical
Why did they emigrate?
Originally the repression of heresies were
organized as Crusades until the arrival of Pope Gregory in
the year 123 who instituted the Inquisition for the arrest
and trial of heretics. The Catholic Church declares a
heretic to anyone who does not accept all the beliefs and
doctrines of it. In the year 1184 the Inquisition was
founded, which was a series of persecution and cruel murders
against anyone who had an idea or a faith different from the
Catholic Church. So cruel and stubborn were the religious
Catholics that even for having said that the Sun was the
center and not the earth, he was tried and executed. This
religious oppression against believers in Jesus Christ as
the Son of God and the Father, not including Mary and all
Catholic idolatry, was the motive for going out to a land of
The establishment of America began with an idea. The
idea was that people could come together and agree to govern
themselves by making laws for the common good. With this
idea in mind, 102 English colonists (later referred to as
"Pilgrims") embarked on the Mayflower in
In 1620 the Mayflower
ship arrived with the first immigrants from England. On
December 26, the Pilgrims (immigrants) settled in Plymouth,
Massachusetts. The First Agreement signed in Plymouth
presents God and the Christian faith as its basis and
As they prospered, they established religious liberty and
created the foundation of American Democracy. They chose a
day of the year to celebrate and give thanks to God, called
"Thanksgiving Day".
From 1621 to 1863 it was celebrated sporadically and on
different dates, and because it was a religious celebration,
some governors considered that decreeing it was state
interference in religion. Although President Washington had
issued a proclamation in 1789, it was President Lincoln who
decreed the national holiday during the Civil War.
The Declaration of Independence, announcing the separation
of the colonies from Great Britain, and thus establishing
themselves as the United States, is considered the most
important document of the United States, and a national
symbol of freedom.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the document between June 11 and June
28, 1776. Its unparalleled expression "true truths" carried
the convictions of the American people for individual
liberty and enumerated their grievances against the King to
justify their break from their mother. country. The
Declaration of Independence affirms the fundamental American
idea, but it was based on the theory of "natural rights"
previously proclaimed by the writers: John Locke, Emerich
Vattel and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
The Declaration was adopted on July 4, 1776.
Jesus Christ said, and I quote Luke 6:45 and it says: “A
good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth
what is good; and the evil man, out of the evil treasure of
his heart brings forth evil; Because of the abundance of the
heart the mouth speaks." Thus, Thomas Jefferson demonstrates
in this document his deepest Christian convictions and faith
in one God. Reading the document highlights the following
segments, and he quotes:
“Of the Nature of God”, “that are endowed by the Creator of
him”, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world”. |
the year 1848 the doors were opened to the massive arrival
of English speakers, who were imposing their language
(English) until the presence of Spanish was reduced.
Abraham Lincoln, on January 1, 1863, decreed the
emancipation of slaves throughout the Union territory.
Entrepreneurs continued to arrive from all over the world,
people escaping political oppression, among them great
intellectuals, others seeking a better life, until becoming
the World Power that it is today.
Declaring to the world who we trust
It is beautiful to see how the United States of America,
each one of us declares “In God we trust”
In God We Trust is one of the national mottos
of the United States. He was elected by Congress in 1956,
and is officially placed after "E Pluribus Unum" ("Out of
many, one")

according to the code of the United States, Title 36,
Section 302. President Eisenhower signed the resolution of
said law on July 30, 1956.
The final stanza of the Star-Spangled Banner, written in
1814 by Francis Scott Key (and later adopted as the national
anthem) has one of the earliest references to a variation of
this phrase: ...And this will be our motto: " In God is our
trust." (And this will be our motto: "In God is our trust").
The most common place the motto can be seen in daily life is
on United States money. The first American coin to bear the
motto was the 1864 two-cent coin. It first appeared on a
bill on the back of those issued by the Florida National
Bank. Until 1957 the motto was not permanently adopted for
use on US banknotes.

In God We Trust es el lema oficial de Florida y
aparece en su bandera. También está en la bandera de
Georgia, desde que fue adoptado en 2003.

What do we
We conclude that God is faithful to those who seek him,
these Christian brothers were led to the Land that flows
with milk and honey. They had struggles, they made mistakes,
but they never stopped honoring God, with all their will and
love, dedicating a special day a year to say:
Thank you God for all the blessings! We honor you!”
Thanksgiving Day is a day of reflection, of praising God for
his greatness and his mercy. In the midst of praise, be it
in song and better yet, with our way of living, blessings
from heaven are poured out until they abound. It is time to
leave the things that displease God, to resume praise,
actions of gratitude, to claim the promises and divine
protection and to open the windows of heaven so that great
blessings may be poured out in these times of crisis. Amen